kostel svatého Michaela Archanděla (St. Archangel Michael?s Church)

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Site Řepiště

History The opinions on the foundation of the church in Řepiště in various sources differ. They say that it was either in 1484 or 1485. The church of Řepiště was originally a parish church. Since 1652 it belonged to the Protestants (Lutherans), from whom it was sequestered in 1654 and assigned to Šenov. Already in 1688 the church was consecrated to St. Nicholas, it was all wooden, it had a board ceiling and floor. On the external side of the church there was a gallery covered porch (similarly to the church in Sedliště, where it remained preserved until present). In 1785 the church was removed from the parish of Šenov and was assigned to the parish of Vratimov. According to orally spread information the church went through big changes between 1867 and 1891, both in its interior as well as exterior, which underwent partial reconstruction. Further adjustments were performed in 1931-1932 (tower) and others in 1950. Last adjustments were made in the church interior (new plasters, painting, new benches) in 1995 ? 1996. The church is wooden on the brick and stone substructure. The roof, both towers ? the main and small spirelet and side wall are covered from outside by shingles. The slender spirelet was built only in 1865. Its bulb is high, covered with shingles and supported with six columns, that are covered with plate. It has got a metal apex with a ball and single arm cross. The church has got only one aisle with main altar towards east. . There are two iron bells in the tower that were hung in 1918 to the place of original two bells sequestered for military purposes.

Masses Mass is said each Sunday at 10.45 and on religious feasts. Visit can be organized at the parish office.

Contact Roman Catholic Parish Office Vratimov, tel. 596 732 155, 602 726 432.

Access The place lies at the 2nd class road no. 477 connecting Ostrava with Frýdek-Místek


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